Where to start…

Wow! Was the last post really April 2nd?? Ok, yes, I knew it had been a while. Been a little crazy around here. Let’s see where to start. I’ll go back to my pictures and try to post a few things over the past month and a half.


Abriella has been playing T-ball this year. She has done so good and is learning a lot. She is a fast little runner. Some of the kids are not… I mean, really, they look as if they are in super slow motion and one on her team even cries when she’s running because she can’t stand to run. HA!  So funny. Stephen is at all of her practices and games. The rest of us go to some of her games, but not all. She has now started “rushing the ball” which is pretty funny. She runs as fast as she can towards the ball, whether it’s in her area of the field or not. All in all, her team really isn’t that good! Just being honest. But, of the teams they’ve played, there is really only one team that does seem good–they are very well-coached. Anyway, here are a few pictures from one of her games.

Abriella and T-Ball. Spring 2013.

One of the hard things for her to learn was outs. Most games, they don’t do outs. But, at the first game I went to (which was her second game), they decided to actually do outs and make the girls go back to the dugout. Unfortunately, this was also a game played against the only good team in the t-ball league. So, all of the girls on Abriella’s team were getting out right and left. After the 2nd time she got out, the tears started flowing. She was not happy about getting out. We all tried to console her. I finally told her that next time she would have to run REALLY fast to try to get to the base. And, she did! And, she was sooo proud. It was a hard lesson, but a good one to be had. Overall, I think it’s been a good experience for her so far. Still have more games to go!

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