15 Months

Ridley turned 15 months on April 22nd. Here is a picture (and, yes, I do have a pink cloth diaper on him–shame on me!).

Here are a few other attempts at a picture. He was not very cooperative. HA!

Things about Ridley at 15 months:

* dropped to 18 lbs 10 oz, so fell completely off the growth chart. Oops! (more on that in a bit)

*29 inches long (still don’t think they ever get him stretched out well because he fights big time!)–also drops him off the lower end of the growth chart. Oddly enough, people are always saying how long he is! HA!

*His head circumference supposedly stayed the same at 18 inches, but it was a new nurse and she measures differently than every other nurse. Oh well.  The boy is very proportional no matter what the measurements say, so he’s healthy.

*He was sick at 14 1/2 months pretty solidly. He started running a fever on Friday late afternoon. By Monday, he was still running a fever, but improving. We just kept trying to keep him hydrated (which included squirting breastmilk into his mouth with a medicine dropper) and comfortable. Sometimes we gave him fever reducers, but we tried to let the fevers do their thing as long as he wasn’t super miserable. He ran a fever for 3 1/2 days and this was a fever that ran up in the 103+ range. But, he made it through and recovered quite well. He likely had ear infections, but we were trying to see if he could fight them on his own (most will clear on their own if you read the research). When he went to his 15 month appointment 2 wks after this, she said he ears looked great! Yay! Oh, this is where he lost weight, too. He didn’t eat well at all during these days!

*He’s started taking some solid steps now! Yay for starting to walk!

*Signs all done, thank you, more, milk.

*still in 12 months clothes. We put him in a few 12-18 month outfits, but they are definitely too big.

Well, since he’s almost 16 months, sadly, I don’t remember what he was doing by 15 months and what he has started doing this month. This is why I shouldn’t delay these posts. Duly noted. All in all, he is still a great little guy! What he lacks in size, he makes up for with smiles!

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