Our New Website

Well, we got tired of the Joomla people and all the problems we were having, so now we are using this Word Press. I like it so far! Seems like it will be easier to work with and easier for other people trying to navigate around it as well. Let me know what you think. So, the first time you ever leave a comment, I will have to approve it, but after you’ve been approved, the future times, you shouldn’t have to be approved. That will help us avoid spam posts, which we were having issues with on our other website as well. Our pictures will be on the same Gallery site, so that won’t change. There is still a link to it to your right.

So, Miss Abriella seems to be feeling a little under the weather–we figure it’s still from her getting shots, or teething. She also has a little bit of a runny nose, so that could be a gift from her cousins! Thanks Cooper! :p She’s asleep right now, and we are actually hoping she may sleep until the morning. She really needs the sleep!

As for her sleeping, she has been doing so well on that lately! As many of you know, we have swaddled her to sleep for a long time. We had tried to transition her out of that, but she kept waking herself up with her flailing arms. Well, this last week, we tried it again, and left both of her arms out, and she slept wonderfully!!! She even slept 13 hours one night! It’s pretty funny though–you’ll hear her sucking her thumb from across the house! So, yes, she has officially become a thumb sucker! She takes the pacifier sometimes, but she usually spits it out and sticks her thumb in instead. I’m ok with that and so is Stephen. Yes, we can’t take her thumbs away from her one day, but we figure she won’t suck her thumb forever–at least when she sees all the other 5th graders not doing it, she probably won’t either! HAHA!

So, we still haven’t had any teeth erupt. We asked her pedi about it the other day, and she said she has the grooves in her gums, but the teeth aren’t through yet. She drools a bunch, and she constantly chews on things, mainly her hands. She also likes to chew on our fingers if they are close to her mouth. At this point, I almost hope they go ahead and pop on through so that she will feel a little better at least for a little while. Poor baby.

Well, this week in Thanksgiving. Abriella’s Grandma, Great-Grandma, and Uncle are coming to see her! She’s so excited! She talks about it everyday! Ok, not really, but I do tell her everyday that they are coming to see her. Should be fun!

Well, I’m going to close this for now. Pray that Abriella feels better tomorrow! Have a great day!

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2 Responses to Our New Website

  1. Mom/Grandma says:

    Like mama, like daughter (thumbsucking)! It’s handy (no pun intended)! Can’t wait to see her!

  2. Chrissy says:

    I like the new look. Cooper and Kenndall and me and Brian all have colds, sorry that Abriella was a victim of the booger man. Ha! Probably won’t be the last time.

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