Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Whew, what a week with Abriella. She has recently forgotten that she is our good sleeper! She fights ALL naps, and when she finally goes down for one, IF she goes down, she sleep for about 25 minutes!! WHAT?! Then, she has been waking up at night a couple of times as well. UGGH! As if that’s not bad enough in itself, it’s worse when you have company that gets to hear her all the time too. My poor Mom slept in the living room RIGHT next to Abriella’s room, so she always heard her before I did. Ooops.

Abriella also didn’t feel well the day before Thanksgiving nor the day of T-day. She ran a slight temp the day before, and we gave her Tylenol and so forth. Poor baby didn’t really enjoy her first turkey day! That in turn made it harder for us parents, but we still had a good time. My Mom, Grandma, and Brother all came to see us. They all enjoyed the baby, of course. She was much more normal on Friday, which was good, since I left them for 2 1/2 hours in the morning to watch her while I went to get my hair cut. She was great for them.

Thanksgiving MorningMeeting Uncle Mike

Tired Abriella Sucking ThumbFour Generations
I will post more later, but I’m tired. I did add a bunch of pictures, but I have yet to caption each of them. I will get to that later. I think I’ll head to bed now though. I hope everyone else had a blessed Thanksgiving!!

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3 Responses to Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

  1. Mom/Grandma Miller says:

    How is Little Sweetness doing today? Has she settled back into a more normal routine since everyone left? We were all glad to be there!

  2. Hi there! My you were up late posting on our blog! I am so glad to have your blog address now! Abriella looks adorable in all of the pics. I know exactly what you mean by having a little one with company! It is so hard to do. We gave up last time we had company and gave them our room and came and slept in the room down by the boys’ rooms!
    Looks like you guys are doing pretty well. I know it must be hard with what just happened with Stepheb’s mom. Our prayers still go out to you.
    See you tonight!
    Kristi D.

  3. Matt says:

    I love the new website. I think it looks much snazzier. Glad you guys had a good Thanksgiving.

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