Holiday Happenings

Ok, so let me try and recap our last few weeks.

Before going to Lubbock, we decided to buy a gift for Abriella (well, maybe it was for us too). We bought her a new carseat because she hated her infant carrier. We figured if she could see better and could sit up straighter, she’d be happier. We have been pleased thus far. Even better….this carseat will last until she’s 49 inches and 65 pounds! So, a long time! Yeah!

Stephen was sick before we left to go to Lubbock. One day, I actually woke up with a horrible headache, and it was so bad that I started puking. Stephen stayed home to help out, thankfully, but he needed the rest too. Anyway, the headache went away, and I was able to carry on my normal activities in the evening. I went to the annual ornament exchange with the girls from our church class, which is always a blast! On that Saturday, we went to our class Christmas party and had a great time. Abriella did well there too. We were pleased.

Before we left to go to Lubbock, Abriella started to get sick as well. Uggh. We went to Lubbock anyway, and that first night in Lubbock was just awful. It was like having a newborn all over again. Abriella felt awful, and she ended up in the bed with us because she was waking every 45 min to 1 hr. The longest she slept all night was laying on me, and that was a whopping 1 1/2 hours! She wanted nothing to do with Stephen that night. So, needless to say, we began our holidays exhausted! She slept a little better every night, but then I became sick as well. On Christmas day, I could hardly talk. My voice was practically gone. Abriella didn’t feel good on Christmas either. She still tried to open a gift (well, really she wanted the wrapping paper and bows more than anything). We all got some really great gifts!!

Oh, the day before, we met up with Jeff and Chantell from Houston and their two kids, Salem and Ryan. We met up at a local McDonald’s, and it was nice to see old friends. I can’t believe how big their kids are getting!! We wish we could see them more often.

So, anyway, despite being sickly (as you saw from the previous posts, many were passing the germs around!), we had a good time. Abriella loved being held, and she got a lot of holding time! We played a lot of Rock Band and Guitar Hero , which was a blast. Abriella even helped me drum a few times. hehe! Cooper loved saying “Abby” over and over again. He really loves his cousin! Kenndall was talking up a storm while we were there too. She has really grown since we saw her last! We really enjoyed being with Stephen’s family, and although Pam wasn’t here in the flesh, we all felt her presence there.

So, the day after Christmas, we headed back home. It was a pleasant trip home. Abriella did good. We love seeing family, but we do love being home! The next day, my mom came to see us. She had to see her granddaughter during her first Christmas season! So, I tried to sleep when Abriella slept the day my mom was traveling here, so that I could be better when she arrived. I warned her that our house wouldn’t be that clean! She arrived Thursday evening.

Well, on Friday, I again woke up with a terrible headache (like a couple of weeks before), and I just couldn’t get rid of it for the life of me that day. I again got sick when the headache got really bad as my head was spinning and so forth. Gotta love sinus headaches! I was so glad my mom was here!!! She would take Abriella while I moaned in the bed, trying to sleep it off, while taking various drugs throughout the day. I thought I was getting better in the afternoon, but then the headache came back again…and more puking followed. Stephen was home by this time. He made a run to the store to see if he could find something stronger for me. I took that, and he and my mom fed Abriella a bottle so that I could try to take a nap. FINALLY, the headache started to go away. Thank goodness, because the baby was having a fit because I wasn’t in her sight. As soon as I held her, she stopped crying. She’s such a momma’s girl! Anyway, I felt better more as the night went on, and I even ate food (that stayed down!) around 9:30 at night! haha! I can’t stand sinus headaches!!!

Also, Abriella had decided to wake up every 2-3 hrs for a few nights after we came back home. UGGH! That never helps when you want to sleep to get well, or just sleep in general! But, she has since started sleeping 9-12 hrs straight!! She hasn’t done that in a long time!!! Plus, she’s not doing so much of this nap nursing and nursing for hours. Now, I can’t say she’s the best napper in the world, but it’s not as bad as it used to be.

My mom was great while she was here! She cleaned and did laundry, but most importantly, she got to spend some good time with Abriella. Abriella loves her grandma! I will add pictures of her visit when I get them organized. (that reminds me, I have added several albums already. check them out). However, my mom’s car decided to act up while it was here. The stupid starter decided to die completely. And, when you don’t have your own mechanic nearby, you know it’s inevitable that you will pay out the wazoo for what you need. Who knew it would cost nearly $500 for all of that!! Highway robbery is what that is!!! Sorry, Mom!! But, that “allowed” her to stay an extra day to hang out with Abriella. We went shopping while she was here, and Abriella just loves sitting up in the shopping carts like a big girl!! She does so well in the stores like that!

We went to a class New Year’s Eve party, but we only stayed until about 8:45 or so. The crazy baby thought she needed to be in bed or something! After she went to bed, we watched this movie, Amazing Grace , which was most delightful. My mom fell asleep before it was over though. She was trying to get sick too, so she had taken something that apparently made her drowsy. Oops. Well, when it was over, it was about 11:55pm, so Stephen and I turned to one of the stations and watched the ball drop to bring in 2008, and we toasted with some sparkling red grape juice! hehe! We went to bed shortly thereafter. I know, party animals we are!

All is quiet now without family here or there, except for the coughing going on. It’s so sad to hear the baby coughing through the night. We are all on the mend though, it seems. She is rolling over all the time and doing really well with sitting. She loves to stand up, whether that’s you holding her, or going crazy in her Jumperoo or enjoying her Exersaucer. She really is a delight these days. She interacts so much and loves to touch (and grab) your face and hair…and nose, and lips….etc. But, she loves to give big wet slobbery kisses too, and her laugh is just precious. She makes all kinds of funny noises, and has a beautiful fake cough too (well, she has a real one now too…sad). She LOVES her thumb! We are just really enjoying her now. I can’t believe she’ll be 6 months in a week!! Oh, at that first Christmas party on the 15th, she weighed about 16 lbs! I bet she’ll be around 18 lbs at 6 months! She’s healthy for sure!!

W ell, I will close out this LONG post. If you’ve lasted this long, CONGRATS!!! Have a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!! MAY 2008 BRING MANY BLESSINGS ON EACH OF YOU!!!

This entry was posted in Abriella, Family, Jennifer, Stephen. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Holiday Happenings

  1. Chrissy says:

    Sounds like a fun New Year, glad Abriella is sleeping through the night. Cooper is still coughing. I took him to the dr. and the dr. said that it was just a virus so he got some cough medicine. Kenndall has just started coughing a little, but not bad. Hope you all are recovered from the trip, and I agree it is always nice to get back home.

  2. Mom/Grandma Miller says:

    Loved getting to be with you all! I am recovering as well. Can’t wait to see you again soon!

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