A Momentous Occasion Is Upon Us!

Yep, I didn’t want anyone to miss out. I didn’t want anyone to say, “Oh, I didn’t know! I’m so sorry I missed it!” So, I’m here to tell you that this Sunday, April 13, 2008 is a very important day. Yep, it’s the big 3-0 for yours truly! That’s right. Jennifer is entering another decade in her life. I know you’re saying, “Wow, you don’t look that old! I figured you to be 25 at the most!” Well, I know, I know. But, it is true. I will be 30 at 4:20am on the 13th. Mom, please DON’T call me at that time (that goes for the rest of you too!). Please note that today is Tuesday, so each of you should have ample time to get your gifts in the mail! No excuses!

Ok, on to other (less important) news. I know, I know, I was so funny in my last post. hehe! For those of you not familiar with major household appliances (uh, Holly), it is an air conditioner. Well, to be completely accurate, it’s a heat pump. To be even more specific, we got a Lennox XP19 heat pump and we are loving it! It is SSSOOOO quiet! We don’t even realize it’s on! We are looking forward to lower bills! And, to those that don’t have a digital thermostat, I think they are the coolest thing ever! We have one that you just touch the screen and it changes stuff. Plus, we never have to mess with it. Our temp changes for whenever we set it to, and that is just sweet. I know, maybe that is so last year, and we are just so far behind, but it’s new to us, and it’s the bomb! Funny side note about us getting this new system: As the peeps were installing the outside unit, our neighbor told the technicians that he was sure glad they were changing it out, because it was so loud! Who knew we were bothering our neighbors too!!?? Glad we could make them happy, too!

Well, the baby will be 9 months old tomorrow! I cannot believe she is getting close to a year old! She’s is such a sweetie, but she has her moments too. Yesterday, she had her first introduction to time-out. She was throwing a fit (aka tantrum) for who knows why, so I sat her in my predetermined spot in the house for this occasion, and I sat right beside her and didn’t look at her, but told her to let me know when she was done. She sat there and cried and waved her arms for a couple of minutes maybe, and then she stopped and looked at me and smiled and started talking to me. It was over, just like that. I loved on her when she was done and told her that we didn’t need to throw tantrums like that. Well, as many of you know, kids need repetition to remember things, so of course, she ended up back in the same spot not long after that. But, then we didn’t have to visit the area again the rest of the day. So, yes the discipline has started. I fear this child will need many spankings and time-outs in her life. She is a bit strong-willed!

She also has some jealousy issues. Stephen and I are working in the nursery at church this month, so we just take her with us (obviously). But, she doesn’t like it one bit that we are holding other babies! It’s pretty funny (well, sort of). I know some of you are saying that this means we should have another child soon so she will be able to deal with these issues and realize she’s not the only child! HAHAHAHA! If someone else will puke for me during the pregnancy, I might think about it!

Well, I better get off now. The child will be waking up from her nap soon! Yeah, she’s taking one!! Hallelujah!

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

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5 Responses to A Momentous Occasion Is Upon Us!

  1. Mom/Grandma says:

    I just don’t understand how my children are getting older and I’m not!ha!

  2. Chrissy says:

    I am sooooo glad I am not as old as you!! 🙂 I never understood when I was little the saying, “This hurts me more than it hurts you!” But it is so true. If I knew that my child wouldn’t grow up to be a brat and a 1/2, I would never punish them, but as the Good Book says, ” He who spares the rod, hates his child.” I take comfort in the fact that it is much easier to discipline a 1,2,3 year old than to try to discipline a 16, 17, 18 year old. If you establish the routine of discipline now, you are saving yourself a world of pain in the long run. Anyway, long comment, sorry.

  3. Holly says:

    ohhh! Light bulb. Ding! I guess living in Colorado has not familiarized me with the site of an airconditioner. Although we do have one at our house here in Dallas. 🙂
    Happy Birthday early! Don’t you know that last year was your last birthday that you actually get older? You just get to get cake and presents for turning 29 over and over again from now on. 🙂

  4. If I don’t run into you Sunday morning….Happy Birthday!! And welcome to the thirties…they’re really not so bad afterall!
    Hope you have a fun-filled day!

  5. Whenever I am on a site with FEEDJIT, it thinks I am from San Antonio– yours included! I just didn’t want you to think we suddenly picked up and moved!

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