Happy Birthday to me (a few days late)…

Thank you for all the cards, e-cards, gifts, and the like for my birthday. I enjoyed the first anniversary of my 29th birthday on Sunday. Actually, Stephen and I started celebrating a few days earlier when he got my gift. He had been asking me for a while what I wanted, and I didn’t know. Well, one night when he got paged from work and I was “paged” by the baby, we both ended up getting back in bed around the same time. We were laying there for a few minutes, and then I said, “Are you asleep yet?” to which he replied , “no.” I told him I had figured out what I wanted (brace yourselves) and that was a Wii. I said that it could be his birthday gift as well. Stephen was thrilled! He’s been wanting one of these since before they came out, to which I’ve always said NO! Well, when he had shown me the video about Wii Fit, I thought that would be pretty cool to have. That doesn’t come out until May, so for now we have been enjoying boxing, tennis, bowling, golf, and baseball. It took me a few nights of practice (and quite a bit of soreness) to figure out that I didn’t have to “get into” it as much as I was. Stephen was cracking up at how much I moved trying to box! I’m very much improved now, though! So, next time you come to visit, you can play with us!

So, onto the most important subject: Abriella. She is so much fun these days. She just laughs and plays with you all the time. It’s great fun to play games with her. She’s so smart. She’s back to not napping well during the day and waking up several times a night. Well, she generally averages a couple of times a night anyway to eat. But, there are sometimes nights on end where she wakes up at other times and daddy goes in to rock her back to sleep. I’ve decided that she’s just a gifted child, so that’s why she has such difficulty going to sleep and staying asleep. Yep, it’s true. That’s my final answer. Her mind is just going all the time that she has a hard time sleeping! Go ahead and google it (gifted children and sleep) and you’ll see that I surely must be right! 🙂

I have been lax on taking pics of the doll lately. But, I tried to get a few today so that y’all wouldn’t get bored with my wordy posts without pics. So, if any of you are familiar with the movie, Zoolander, you will truly appreciate this. This is Abriella’s version of “Blue Steel.” I added a picture for comparison purposes. What do you think?

Blue SteelAbriella’s Blue Steel

Also, her lack of good naps makes her tired at times, obviously. Here she was tonight trying to eat, which she still managed to do well. Poor baby was practically falling asleep in her high chair.

Sleepy Eater

Then, I’ll leave you with a few others. I have to say that I just LOVE her big blue eyes. The hardest thing is telling her “no” when she looks up at me with those big eyes with the sweetest smile on her face with the expression of “Really, mom? But, I’m so sweet!” Uggh! But, I stand firm…most of the time!

Sweet Smile Here Comes Trouble, Again!Playing with Daddy

Well, that’s all for now. Have a great day!

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3 Responses to Happy Birthday to me (a few days late)…

  1. Mom/Grandma Miller says:

    I have heard that Wii is really fun! I’m sure that you will have lots of fun with it. Abriella will likely always be a great source of entertainment, just like her mom was!

  2. Chrissy says:

    I can’t wait to get a Wii, we will probably try to get one after we move. I have played at other people’s houses and they are so much fun!! And you really do get a work out!!

  3. Holly says:

    Rachel got a wii a couple of weeks ago and I played it for the first time at her house this weekend. I have one word: FUN! I am actually sore from boxing.

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