Busy Month

I feel like I’ve just been traveling this week! On Friday through Sunday, I was out of town with about 20 ladies from church for a little weekend retreat/time with God. I wasn’t really in the mood to go (strange, I know), but I went anyway, and was extremely blessed! It was a great weekend! Then, on Tuesday, I took the kids with me to Katy. My Little Grandma and Aunt Cheryl had driven to visit mom, so I took the opportunity to drive and see them. They still live in Arkansas, so it’s way easier to see them in Texas! Came back on Thursday.

During the visit to Katy, I put the kids in the same room for sleeping. HA! Boy, was that an adventure! Abriella has a day bed there. We went out and bought a mattress for Colby and just laid it on the floor beside her bed. Oh boy. Well, first he started crying when I left the room, but Abriella kicked into big sister mode right away and started singing to him. He did settle down, but then they just wanted to play in there. Finally, Abriella decided she wanted to sleep, but little brother wasn’t into that plan. He just kept bothering her and trying to get her to play. (I watched this all on the monitor). Finally, finally, after a long time and some talking to, they both went to sleep. However, during the night, I hear 2 little ones outside my door saying, “mommy.” I went out and Abriella said that Colby had “the allergies.” Apparently he had been coughing. Anyway, I looked at the clock, and it was 3:23 in the morning! Arrgh! Then, they were up and at ’em at 6:40. Uggh. The 2nd night went better, only because they were exhausted. Colby still had to have “some convincing” that he needed to stop playing and go to bed.

Strangely, after this, Abriella still said she enjoyed sharing a room with Colby. I think she just wants to make sure we don’t give up on the idea of bunk beds! HA! I think they will sleep well together when we put them in the same room. It will just take some getting used to for both of them. Plus, with bunk beds, Colby will actually have more than a mattress on the floor. Surely, that will help the situation. Maybe??

Colby did so well on the trip with his potty efforts! I tried to convince him to wear a diaper for the car ride. He didn’t want anything to do with that. Bummer. But, he did great! He kept his undies dry the entire trip and even told me when he needed to go potty. Thankfully, I have a travel potty, so I could pull over just about anywhere, since there are a lot of country areas on that route. He did great! Still issues with pooping, but otherwise, he keeps his undies dry everyday! Kudos to the buddy!

Abriella had another fun day at gymnastics. I think we’ll let her do more than once a week next month. She’s really enjoying it. I got lots of video. I’ll add some as I get them uploaded.

Here are some videos for your viewing pleasure.

Colby and Abriella using a whistle

Gymnastics week 2- back rollovers


Have a great week! More to come later!

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