Merry Christmas!

Sorry for those that were hoping for a Christmas card from us this year. I will be sending pictures of the kids and a family picture to some of the family members over the next week, but no cute little cards this year. Just took the year off this year. 🙂

Last night, this is how the big man in red left things:

The kids went to bed fairly well last night, with Abriella telling me that I needed to make sure I got into my bed clothes pretty quick too, so Santa could come! HA!

This morning, around 6:25 or so, we realize a light is on in the house. Us a bit sleepy, thinking it was the Christmas tree lights, thought they had already come downstairs (they are not supposed to come out until their clock turns green in their room, which occurs at 7am). Stephen got up to investigate. Turns out it was the bathroom light upstairs that was on. Abriella had already gone potty, and Stephen found Colby had already taken off his diaper, had put underwear on, and was struggling to get his pajama pants back on. When Stephen got there, Colby was up on his sister’s bunk, and she was trying to assist him in getting his pj’s back on. HA!

Stephen then told them to wait until their light turned green to come back out. Torture, I know, right? Abriella came out a few minutes later, and informed us that the light was “never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going to turn green!” You get the idea. Stephen refrained from laughing and told her that she had to wait a few more minutes and it indeed would turn green.

We decided to take our posts on the couch a minute or so before we knew they’d come storming down. We heard the door open and joyful feet running down the stairs as soon as that clock had even a hint of green! HA!

These are some pictures that Stephen took before church and a couple after church this morning. I took some video as well that I will get up later. (click on picture to go to gallery of pictures)

Christmas 2011

One thing we learned today is that both of our kids are quite adept at riding bicycles! Once we got Colby’s adjusted enough that he could actually reach the pedals, and then with a little practice, he went to town! He can turn circles and corners and get on and off of the bike himself. Abriella seemed like she had ridden a bike all of her life! She was just riding in circles like it was nothing else! So glad that they are enjoying those treasures! We can’t ride outside right now because it is cold and rainy. But, our house is getting a workout with these bikes.

Colby got a Leapster2 with a couple of cartridges–a Cars one and a Crayola one. Abriella got 3 more cartridges for her V-Reader that she got for her birthday–Tangled, Cars2, and Toy Story 3. Of course, the V-reader and Leapster are being shared back and forth between the kids, which is good.

Abriella also got a Disney sweatshirt and princess activity pad from Patrick, Lindsay, Jack, and Katie. Colby got a Mr. Potato Head from them as well.

In the stockings, they each got a puzzle (princess for her, cars for him), a small thing of m&m’s, a dart gun type thing, and a little activity pack thing.

They loved every thing they got! Hopefully, the bikes will provide lots of good exercise and the V-Reader and Leapster lots of mental stimulation! 🙂

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