Catch up on pictures

I am terribly behind on pictures in Ridley’s short life!  He has moved upstairs to his room now. He has been there 3 nights now. He’s been sleeping a little bit better up there. I think he likes having more space to move around in. And, he does move around! He always starts in the middle somewhere and ends up in a corner usually. Colby did that, too. Abriella didn’t have the chance because she was swaddled for the first 5 months of her life and slept on her back. We put Colby on his tummy as a baby and Ridley as well.

Here are some pictures from right before David and Janet left when they came to see Ridley when he was a few days old.

Pictures with Pappa and Gammy

Here are some pictures of the 3 boys in the house!

My Three Boys

Here are a few pictures of him sleeping and then some carseat pictures. The other 2 had carseat pictures a few hours after they were born. Well, since Ridley was born at home…he didn’t get carseat pictures for a while! He didn’t go anywhere! We put the smaller headrest in his carseat after this. He has since grown into the standard one.

Token Carseat Picture

This picture cracks me up! Colby had some injury on his lip, or so he thought, and requested a bandaid. Stephen and I humored him and gave him one. This is what he looked like. Colby was trying to tell Stephen not to take a picture of him! HA!

Here are some pictures of the brothers.


Here are some pictures of Ridley taken in the bouncy seat. Yes, I was doing the first time mom thing and took a ton of pictures of him in a few minutes in the same place. HA!

Bouncy Seat Pictures

Here are all of the pictures I took for Ridley’s 1 month photo shoot. HA! You can see how uncooperative he was!

Ridley 1 Month Old

Ok, that is all I have time for now. There are more pictures to come, including some of Abriella and Colby. No, we haven’t forgotten them! The little man calls now, though!

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