Field Trip!

Abriella’s class had a Friday morning field trip to a creek in Salado a couple of weeks ago. They’ve been studying fish and their ecosystem. She has an aquarium at home with a platy, and amazingly, the fish has survived 6 wks! We never had a fish survive that long. Anyway, this outing was so they could see living and nonliving things in their natural environment. Since it was a Friday, all of the kids went with me. Here are some pictures from the outing. (Click on any picture to enlarge it to see the entire picture). All 3 kids got pretty wet! I had not taken extra clothes, because clearly, I had different expectations for the outing. HA! At least I had taken a couple of towels. Ridley probably had more fun than anyone there! (The last 3 pictures were taken by Abriella’s teacher)

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