Lost Tooth #2

Abriella’s second tooth was pulled (by me again—Stephen will have NOTHING to do with teeth!) on August 31st. Tooth fairy left Abriella 50 cents. Our tooth fairy is on the frugal side! ๐Ÿ™‚ ร‚ย Since this was a couple of months ago, the permanent tooth is almost all the way in. Poor girl is gonna need braces one day. The dentist had already said this before she even lost any teeth. This second tooth is coming in about a cm or so behind the first one that came in. There just isn’t enough space for it to fit where the baby tooth came out. Her baby teeth have no space between them, so she’s gonna have some crazy crooked teeth as her permanent teeth come in. She got her mama’s small mouth (some may argue that I have a big mouth… heh).

Anyway, here is a picture I took the day we pulled the tooth!

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1 Response to Lost Tooth #2

  1. Abriella is looking so grown up these days! I came to your blog because tonight my Abriella pouted and said, “No one ever has the name ‘Abriella’ except me.” I wanted to show her that I knew of a little girl born about the same time she was who had the exact same first and middle names as she does – she was rather impressed, LOL. ๐Ÿ™‚ When she saw this picture, my Abriella said, “She has holes in her mouth too, just like me!” Anyway, I just thought I would let you know that your Abriella put a great big ol’ smile on the face of my Abriella. ๐Ÿ™‚

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