Strawberry Pickin’

This morning, we drove down to Marble Falls to Sweet Berry Farm to pick some strawberries. The kids were so excited. The weather was on the cooler and overcast side today, which was perfect! We picked about 6 1/2 lbs of strawberries and called that enough for us. Then, the kids fed goats, jumped on the Berry Bounce, and pet a couple of horses. We had a great time! I just finished washing, hulling, and drying them and put them in freezer bags. Kept a few of the soft ones out to eat today. 🙂

Picking strawberries today reminded me of all the times we went to pick them with my grandparents growing up. Seems we went almost every year. We froze them in mass amounts. Stephen said he’d never picked strawberries before today! So, it was a new experience for him and the kids! Sweet (literally) memories made today. 🙂

Here are some pictures of the morning. (click on the pic to go to the album)


Sweet Berry Farm
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