Where to start…

We’ve had a lot happen since the last post. It’s a bit overwhelming to think about. As a brief summary (I will fill in details later), we celebrated my 36th birthday, discovered our baby didn’t have a heartbeat, celebrated Easter, delivered our baby at home, took our baby to the funeral home for cremation, experienced a delayed postpartum hemorrhage taking us to the ER and requiring a D&C and 2 units of blood transfused, picked up our beautiful baby urn with our baby’s cremains from the funeral home…

That’s the basic run down of the last 2 1/2 wks. It’s been an emotional roller-coaster. We cry, we smile, we laugh, we get angry, we enjoy our kids that are with us on earth, we cry more, we love, we communicate, we pray, we express thanks, we journal, we read, we ask why…   The list goes on.

Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts. This is not a journey we ever dreamed we’d be on. We are thankful for all the support from our friends and family. It has been huge.

Here are some pictures from Easter. “Tiny” (the name Abriella gave our baby and we stuck with) was still in my tummy, and we were waiting for my body to deliver him. He was delivered early the next morning at 1:20am.

Click on any picture to enlarge it.



This entry was posted in Abriella, Baby #4, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Where to start…

  1. Mom says:

    We continue to lift you all in prayer as we travel with you on this journey. We love you!

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