28 Weeks

Wow, time is going quickly… Today, I’m 28 wks pregnant, therefore 9 wks until I’m considered full-term, 12 wks until my due date. Scary! Still have lots to do before then! Today, I took my glucose test. I pray that I don’t get any phone calls in the next few days from them. No news is good news in this case. I managed not to puke, so that was good. Stephen and I went to IHOP afterwards. I was so hungry. Abriella was dancing all over the place after I drank that sugary drink. She was probably on a sugar high!

We went to Lubbock this weekend. Had a short trip, but it was great. We enjoyed it. There are some pictures added from our weekend there, and I also added my 28 wk pregnant tummy picture. Enjoy!

The most exciting news, I think, is the fact that I’m gonna take vacation time starting July 4th through the end of July. I figured I’d be smart to try to rest up before Abriella arrives, since I’ll never be rested again after she comes! I’m thrilled about that. I also will get to work PRN after she comes, therefore working every now and then. So, I’ll at least get to catch a baby occasionally. I’m so glad they are working with me so well! God is gracious!

Well, I guess that’s all for now. I think I need to take a nap now! It’s tough, but somebody has to do it! haha!


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