Does She Look Like Me Now??

Jennifer at 6 1/2 months old back in 1978Me at 6 1/2 months in 1978Abriella at 6 months oldAbriella at 6 months

Do we look alike? I think I finally see that she’s really my child! Tell me if I’m just dreaming, or if she really does look like me now! Anyway, she had some official 6 month pics done yesterday at Sears. I thought we were going to end up leaving empty handed like last time I tried to take her to get pics, but alas, they were really patient, and worked really hard, and we got some really cute pics!! I spent too much money, but many of you family members will also benefit from the time and effort, so you should be happy!

She’s also started eating solids too. We decided to skip the cereal and go straight to fruits and veggies. There’s really no point to cereal if you start them on solids at 6 months. So, we started her with a banana. Yes, I know some of you are saying…fruit first?? Won’t she prefer the sweet stuff and never eat a veggie? Well, she’s breastfed…what sweeter thing is there than breastmilk?? It makes it an easier transition for her to go from sweet to sweet…it’s what she’s used to. Anyway, she’s done very well. She had her second try at it today. We tried it first on Thursday, then took Friday off, and then gave her some more today. She doesn’t try to thrust it out or anything, so she’s definitely ready.

Eager AnticipationAnticipationMmmmmMmmmNot sure if she likes it or not…Unsure I think I’m done, so I’ll take it from here.I’ll take it from here

And, as of right now, I’m gonna give it a go with making her baby food. I’m using this website called to help guide me. It’s great! So, we’ll see how long I can keep it up. Seems fairly simple though, all in all.

Well, I think I’ll close this for now. Have a great weekend!

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3 Responses to Does She Look Like Me Now??

  1. Chrissy says:

    Super cute pics!!

  2. I can not believe how much Abriella has changed. She was just a couple of weeks old when we met you guys and the other night at the party, I was amazed at how much she has grown! Certainly not a newborn anymore, huh?
    And yes, I did tag YOU! Hehe.

  3. Mom/Grandma Miller says:

    When some of my friends saw Abriella’s Christmas picture, they saw a resemblance. No matter who she looks like, she is cute as a button!

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