Email from Pam

This was sent by Pam in November of 2006, right after Thanksgiving. Matt, one of Stephen’s brothers, found it in his email, and forwarded it on to us. I remember receiving this, but it was such a blessing to read it again. Even while very ill, she was such a warrior and such an example. We miss her dearly, but she’ll never be forgotten, and she still is impacting people! Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Just have to write from a heart over flowing with thankfulness and blessings from our wonderful God. Dad and I are the most blessed couple on this earth. We have precious children of the King and their mates and now grandchildren here and coming. All of you are gifted with various talents, abilities and interests that I find wonderfully diverse in personality and expression. I thank God every day for each of you. I also ask that He work in you and through each one as you interact with others. Look at the wonderful opportunities He gives each to serve others and touch the empty hopeless people of this world. I feel like the richest woman in the world.

Wish you could have heard Dad’s sermons Sunday. He was speaking from I, II, and III John where John often begins a sentence with “my dear children”. Each time it seemed he was speaking to Chrissy, Brian, Stephen, Jennifer, Matt, Brittany, Nat and Cooper. Those three books are exactly what we need to read to ourselves every day for living in this world. Seems like I have been on cloud 900 since before Thanksgiving and that is even cutting back to the 2mgs twice a day of decadron. The Creator has blanketed dad and me with peace and thankfulness for weeks now. Every day is better than the day before and we cannot even think of, much less list, all the good in our lives. The source is God. He is gifting us with this spirit of joy and gratitude.

You know how dad loves that song about David the shepherd boy but God saw a king. That is how i think of each of you, Unlimited potential. The world has its limits but God doesn’t. You humble yourself totally to the will of God and He can and will do with you whatever He wants. Maybe it won’t be some great role, position, or place and then again you may be the very person that can impact this world in ways unimagined by us humans. Believe me, in my mind I have a family that has shaken the foundations. Don’t let people limit you, let God use you.

Picked up a CD by the Trans -Siberian Orchestras that we have really enjoyed. Did you ever think your mom would like steel guitar? She does! I am beginning to think this cancer has been a gift to me. Before I was always “concerned” about the wrong stuff. Still have bad moments but this is just the prep time for “forever”. None of it really matters. The only thing that is truly important is my relationship with Jesus. I look back and see so much joy that I have missed cause I got caught up in self instead of Jesus. I am not going to miss the joy anymore. I want to overflow with the joy of Jesus. If we don’t have a deep abiding joy what on earth do we have that is any different from the world? Why should the Jesus walk appeal to the world if we are like the world? My grandfather said it well when he said “The cross is the only hope”. I love all of you dearly. Just wanted to say how very blessed and rich dad and I are.

love mom/pam/gram  

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1 Response to Email from Pam

  1. Mom/Grandma says:

    So glad that you shared that! Pam certainly had a good grasp on what is important.

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