Full House

The fun never stops here in Belton! This past Sunday, we drove to Dallas to see the Astros beat up on the Rangers, winning 9-5. We sat up in a suite with other people from Stephen’s past employer and a contract group that they had worked with previously. It was a lot of fun! We drove back home after the game…making for a very long day, but it was fun.

Then, on Monday, the Joyner and Cross clans came rolling into town. David and Pam, Chrissy and Brian with baby Cooper, Matt and Brittany, and Nat all came to see us for a couple of days. It was a full house with 9 adults and a baby, but nobody had to sleep on the floor! We all attended the Belton Parade on the 4th and then went to see fireworks in Temple that night. We sure enjoyed everyone coming in. It was sure enjoyable to see everyone, even if the guys do like to stay up to all hours of the night. Thank goodness for earplugs!

Cooper was good while he was here. I think Stephen was a bit grossed out by the numerous diaper blowouts though (up and out of the back of the diaper through the cute little baby outfits). I’m pretty sure that made Stephen think twice (or maybe more) about having his own babies! Guys are such wimps when it comes to diapers and spitup! haha.

In a couple of weeks, we’ll be heading to Colorado for the annual family reunion. Should be fun, as usual. It’s changing though. This will be the first year with a baby. I’m afraid that’s liable to start a vicious cycle in the next few years. Only God can tell.

Well, that’s all for now. I need to go and figure out what junk in our garage that we can put in a garage sale. It sure would be nice to actually use our garage for cars rather than storage …or a junkyard as it seems now.

Well, that’s all for now.  –jen

P.S. I have added several new albums of pictures. Enjoy! 

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