Swimming Lessons

I love where we live. We are never at a loss for something to do. This last week, I threw in swimming lessons for some kids of a couple in our young marrieds class. Our friends adopted 3 children this summer. They had been keeping them as foster kids for a long time, and had been in the long process of adopting them. Anyway, they have a 7 y/o girl, 5 y/o boy, and a 3 y/o boy now. They are the cutest kids! Anyway, my friend, Jennifer, asked me if I would give them swim lessons (when she found out that I had been a swimmer for many years and had taught swim lessons as well). I was tickled at the opportunity. So, the timing wasn’t working out very well with my schedule (go figure), but last week we finally got in a couple of days. We had almost decided to can the idea for this summer since it wasn’t working out, but when the kids kept coming to me and saying, "When are you going to teach us to swim?"…how could I resist that? So, on Tuesday night and Wednesday during the day, we went to the pool. The 7 y/o girl is very good. She needed very little direction to do freestyle correctly, and then backstroke as well. She swims both of those very smoothly now. I’m working on teaching her breaststroke now. I told her mom that she should be on a swim team. The 5 y/o loves the water as well. My biggest accomplishment for him was to get him to keep his head straight when swimming freestyle. He learned that and we’re working on backstroke now. His problem there is that he likes to bend at the waist, so then his whole body goes underwater, which is not ideal on backstroke! haha. Now, the 3 y/o. He’s just cute all the way around! He can kick and so forth, but didn’t like putting his face underwater for very long. By the end of Wednesday, he was holding his breath and putting his face underwater and holding his arms out (like superman) and kicking for a long time without you holding on to him or anything! Then, he learned to add breathing to that as well. He then started telling his mom that he "didn’t need no woaties anymore" (aka floaties)! He said he was swimming like a big boy! He was so proud of himself. Anyway, When we get back from the family reunion, I’ll try to add a few more times in the pool with them before they go back to school.

I looked online at a swim team that they have in Temple. They have masters swimming (which is for 19 yrs and older) that I’m very interested in. I contacted the swim coach to get more information. I’m very seriously considering joining up and starting to swim again. It’s the best exercise in the world! So, we’ll see.

Well, that’s all for now. We’re leaving this week for the family reunion. It will be nice to get away from work, although I’m always exhausted when we get home from the reunion and need another vacation to recover! Uggh. Well, everyone have a great week!

Jen  Cool

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