I know, I know…

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. So, my excuses are as follows:



Post-olympics recovery.

Then, after that, I guess you’d have to say laziness. Oh wait, I did work in there too. So, it’s not complete laziness!
BUT, we are doing just wonderfully here. Abriella is growing like a weed, she’s talking all the time, she loves cow’s milk (I still say hallelujah for this one!), she sometimes avoids taking a nap by laying in there and singing, talking, and squealing…for an HOUR…but that generally is just on the weekends when Daddy is home. It’s pretty much every weekend that this happens. During the week, she naps for Mommy. She loves to run around in the nude before her bath. Yep, that’s Mommy’s girl!

I will return to my regular blogging soon. Stay tuned! I’ll leave you with a few pics. My Mom got Abriella a bike seat for her birthday, and we tried it out a couple of weekends ago. She loved it!

Riding in Style


Here, she decided to close herself in the office. Funny girl!


And, here’s our little multi-tasker. Markers in hands and drinking her milk at the same time. She actually did succeed at this after a few attempts.


Ok, until next time!

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7 Responses to I know, I know…

  1. alisha says:

    That bike seat is sooo cool. I have to get one of those.

  2. Chrissy says:

    Do they make a bike seat for 3?? J/K Abriella is so grown up I can’t wait to see her!

  3. Becky says:

    Okay, I want a bike seat too! Maybe I can ask Santa for one?!?

    Oh and I’ll need a BIKE to go along with that seat…I’m jotting that down on my list right now 🙂 he,he,he!

    Seriously, shoot me an email of where you picked that puppy up…LOVE it!

  4. Mom/Grandma says:

    I am so glad that she likes the bike seat! I hope that y’all can enjoy that for quite a while.

  5. Amanda says:

    Really cool bike seat! LOVE it! But, like Becky, I’d have to get a bike to go along with it!

  6. jen says:

    Ok, this is a Bell Cocoon Child Bike Seat. You can get them several places. They actually have them at our Wal-mart right now (well, last time I checked). But, they sell them at Academy and Target, too. We got this one at our Academy in Temple. Our Target doesn’t sell them in the store. Anyway, they are great!! Abriella really enjoys sitting in there.

  7. I am just impressed at the biking in flip flops! That’s some talent!

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