Blood Work – Take 1

I had my first set of bloodwork drawn on Thursday. As I said before, I’m taking Progesterone twice a day. I am taking 100mg twice a day. I am also taking a daily baby aspirin at night. So, I had blood drawn to see where my progesterone level stands right now, to see if any adjustments needed to be made on my dosage. Also, drew for the HCG level. Nothing I can do for the HCG, but we drew it to have something to compare to when I get my blood drawn again in a couple of weeks.

Both my progesterone and HCG levels are great right now. Progesterone was at 31.4 (many opinions on where it should be in a healthy pregnancy, but many that are watching it like it above 20) so, we’re good on that one. My HCG was 3958, which is a very supportive level for where I am in pregnancy.

We are planning on going for an ultrasound next week–going to try to schedule one for Thursday. Hopefully, we will see a heart flicker at that sono as I’ll be over 6 wks then.

Overall, I’m feeling good. My symptoms are very tender breasts (sorry if TMI, but most people know this is a common symptom), peeing all night long, and an already slightly bloated out belly. Also, I figure this is from extra blood flow in the body, but my numb lip (from my wisdom teeth extraction) is all swollen up again since shortly into the pregnancy. I haven’t been really bothered by that in a while, so it’s slightly irritating, but it is what it is. I’ve already bitten the inside of my lip a few times. Ouch. No nausea as of yet. Historically, that hits me from 6-7ish weeks, so we’ll see this time.

Just thankful for each day. Kids are kissing my tummy and praying that the baby gets to live with us on earth. We are praying that, too!

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