Lab Results #2

I had blood drawn again on Tuesday for hcg and progesterone. The hcg was great at 54865. That’s a great level for 7 wks (where I was that day), and wonderful increase from the last draw. My progesterone came back at 22 this time. That is still in the healthy normal range for pregnancy. My last level was 31, so it makes me slightly nervous. However, progesterone normally fluctuates quite a bit during a 24 hr period, and it’s been shown to go lower after a big meal, and I had eaten lunch before this blood draw (not the 1st time). So, it’s probably all fine, but my midwife talked to her consulting OB. He said it wouldn’t hurt to up my progesterone. So, I have doubled my dose now from 100 mg twice a day to 200 mg twice a day. I’m going to get my blood drawn again on Monday.

So, please pray that all stays just fine with progesterone. My placenta will take over in that towards the end of the 1st trimester, so I’m supplementing until then. There are still lots of differing theories on progesterone supplementation anyway. Some say it helps, some say it doesn’t.

We are just praying that things continue to go well and our baby is healthy and strong and growing!! I’ll probably head for another ultrasound next week to see how things are going.


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